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I call myself "Karin Sprinkles"

because I wish to share a sprinkle
of who I am, as I guide you through
the path of discovering what it means
to be human.


welcome to my website!


I am excited to share this space with you; a vision that has been in my imagination for over a decade and is now a reality. My hope is that you not only visit to seek information but also take a moment to stay and explore.


This website is designed to be a sanctuary where you can find inspiration, encouragement, perhaps even a space to learn or relearn how to navigate your personal journey.

This space is my attempt to share my experiences and insights gained throughout my journey as a therapist.


I hope this site serves as a breath of fresh air, a garden where seeds of potential can grow, and an ocean of nourishment to support you through pain, struggles, and challenges. 

holistic framework

My unique blend of psychological theory and creative modalities will provide you with a rich therapeutic experience.

creating a deep connection with your inner world,

applying methods focused on learning to walk the journey of healing and self-growth.


a brief look into my history...


I earned my licensure as a clinical psychologist in 1993 and joined a team of therapists, working there for eight years before establishing my independent practice in 2000. I pursued a master’s degree in counseling and mental health, and received my master’s degree in 2006.  That same year, I was invited to become a therapist at Onsite Workshops in Tennessee.

At Onsite, I led workshops and intensives for 14 years, marking the beginning of my international practice. As I continued my private practice, I pursued a PhD in applied psychology, which was a significant undertaking amidst personal trauma and my lifelong battle with dyslexia. I earned my doctorate in 2021.

While I take pride in my academic achievements, the most profound influence on my development as a therapist has been my mentor, Dr. Ted Klontz, and his Klontz Method. He introduced me to this transformative model and offered to train me, and I have been under his mentorship for 30 years.

My initial training with Dr Klontz was in Experiential therapy that resonated deeply with my artistic style. As an experiential therapist, I learned that artistry, as a therapist is essential. Listening to and following the client’s narrative allows for creativity in my ability to reflect back what is being communicated. This process enables clients to see themselves clearly, without interpretation, analysis, or diagnosis. Achieving this requires focused presence and creativity in utilizing tools to depict the client’s inner world.

After Dr Klontz sold Onsite in 2007, I continued to follow his methods, philosophy, and understanding of human healing. I became trainer of experiential therapy at Onsite honoring the legacy of the Klontz Method until 2020. Today, his approach is rooted in depth psychology, that incorporates solitude, journaling, art, and a profound understanding that no human is flawed. For healing to occur, individuals must cultivate clarity about their inner voices, often neglected over a lifetime.


Learning to listen to oneself becomes the primary focus of guidance. Today, this is the approach that I follow in my work, both in hourly sessions and in the intensives that I offer. The methodology is so special and profound, that I also use it for my growth and continued exploration of my personal journey.


know more about 
my approach

My approach to care is non-traditional, as I move beyond the conventional medical view that regards symptoms solely as dysfunctions to be eliminated. Instead, I emphasize a more holistic understanding of healing.


By integrating depth psychology with experiential therapy, I focus on the unconscious mind's role in shaping behavior, emotions, and relationships. My client-centered process prioritizes active listening, allowing me to deeply connect with my clients' internal worlds. By creating a validating environment, I facilitate exploration of unconscious thoughts and feelings, which can lead to profound insights.


Incorporating creative expressions like art, journaling, and poetry adds another dimension to my therapeutic practice. These tools not only help articulate abstract emotions but also promote self-discovery and emotional processing. This holistic framework supports my clients in gaining a deeper understanding of themselves, fostering healing and personal growth. Through my unique blend of psychological theory and creative modalities, I provide a rich therapeutic experience that respects the complexity of each individual's journey.

I offer hourly attention and in-depth intensives for individuals, couples and families.


individual intensive

Intensives are custom-made and tailored to the unique needs of the client. Each day consists of eight hours of personalized attention, dedicated to an in-depth exploration of the individual under care. 

Goals and objectives are transformed into inner dialogue through the creation of prompts, which encourage the individual to spend time alone
reflecting and capturing their inner thoughts.


These reflections are then shared in a safe, witnessing space, allowing for further and deeper exploration of the insights gained.

couples intensive

A couples intensive program is a customized solution designed to address these specific needs, providing the space and time necessary for partners to learn effective communication skills.

The program focuses on helping couples express their needs and feelings in ways that are respectful and honoring to both individuals. Through ample practice, partners learn to listen and speak in a manner that fosters understanding and validation.


These skills are essential for resolving conflicts and establishing new commitments that strengthen the relationship. The ultimate goal of the couples intensive is to create a sense of safety within the partnership, enabling the renewal of commitment, deeper engagement, and the joy of togetherness.


family intensive

A family intensive is a customized program designed to address the unique needs of an entire family. Each member is given dedicated time and space to share their perspective on the family dynamics they experience.


The primary goal of this work is to develop essential listening skills that foster a sense of being heard, understood, and validated. Through mutual validation, the family can build stronger connections and create a foundation of trust.


This process enables the family to collaboratively establish commitments and decisions that prioritize the well-being of every member.


By focusing on open communication and empathy, the program helps families navigate challenges, resolve conflicts, and strengthen their relationships. Ultimately, the family intensive aims to create a harmonious and supportive environment where each individual feels valued and respected.



Here are a few words from those

I have had the privilege to walk with.

"I have been in the role of counselor/therapist/owner of a therapeutic organization/trainer and personal therapy consumer for over 50 years.

My travels have taken me to many parts of the world where I have personally trained and supervised over 1,000 therapeutic professionals in a unique, efficient model based on the concept that people are not broken or sick, thus don't need fixed or 'treated.

In 1995 I met a young woman, Karin Schwank, who has become the most proficient and accomplished individual in this model, that I have ever trained and mentored.

For more than 35 years she has continued her trainings with me and in the process has developed and enhanced the model with her own unique talents and genius to the point where I have trusted her with family and friends. And to the point where I honestly believe she is better at what I do, than I am.

There are no words to describe her professional skills and is my 'go to person when someone needs help, and I am not able to be that person."

Ted Klontz PhD

Associate Professor of Practice

Creighton University

Heider College of Business.

Financial Psychology Institute

Nashville TN.


"Tengo el privilegio de conocer a Karin hace muchos años cuando acudimos a un centro en Nashville, Tennesse buscando ayuda para mi familia.

Desde ese momento, Karin se convirtió en lo que yo llamo, un instrumento de Dios en nuestras vidas. La forma en que Karin ha tocado la vida de mis hijos, de mi esposo y la mía yo la pongo en la categoría de "milagros". 


Nuestra familia se ha trasformado gracias a su guía, gracias a la suavidad y profesionalismo de cada palabra y cada momento que hemos tenido junto a ella.

La forma en que Karin sabe penetrar el alma de cada uno de nosotros desde un lugar de tanto amor, tanto respeto por cada uno de nosotros es para mi, indescriptible. Nunca, ninguno de nosotros, se ha sentido amenazado en los lugares de tanta vulnerabilidad en que nos encontramos con ella.


Karin es una luz de amor, gracias a Dios, hoy somos testimonio de una trasformación profunda. No es perfecto, nuestra humanidad nos hace tener altibajos, pero la ayuda de Karin nos sostiene y nos guía, hoy no tenemos miedo, hoy sabemos volver a empezar cada día.

Sin duda, puedo decir que somos lo que somos hoy, gracias al inmenso amor que nos tenemos, pero por Karin, pudimos valorarlo.

¡Gracias Karin!"

Annie Arauz de Castillo


"You have been a vital part of my life for 20 years, endlessly helping me to center myself and not be sucked into that black hole.

I don't believe i would be where I am today without your support. And simply knowing u r nearby is a constant comfort!"

Francesca Wade

United Kingdom

"Yo llegué con Karin con ataques de pánico, buscando salir de medicamentos psiquiátricos y con estigmas de diagnósticos y juicios después de pasar por varios psiquiátras y psicólogos.


Al principio tuve miedo de volver a caer en el mismo patrón de terapia, pero ella fue diferente. En cada sesión su presencia me llevó a ir conociendo un espacio de paz adentro de mí, lo que me permitió, con la ayuda del arte, conocer partes de mi historia y dejar de tenerle miedo a mis sensaciones y emociones.

La ansiedad bajo sin necesidad de medicamentos. También sentía mucha vergüenza, vivía escondida del mundo, pero bajo su mirada amorosa y sin juicio fui siendo cada vez más libre de ser yo.

También encontré adentro de mí la fuerza para ir dejando mis adicciones y redirigir mi vida hacia lugares de mas salud. Hoy vivo con más plenitud, siempre sigo explorando quien soy y como ser más feliz en medio de toda la experiencia humana.

Sigo aplicando todo lo que me ha enseñado y su acompañamiento no se limito a las cuatro paredes de la clínica, ella está siempre presente. He aprendido a vivir y a amar en este proceso. Las oportunidades que me ha dado son invaluables.


Vivo en gratitud con ella."

Ana Isabel Argueta


"I have been seeing Karin since 2011, and I can confidently say she is the best therapist I could ever imagine.

She has guided me through the most challenging times of my life with unwavering support, wisdom, and compassion.

I truly thank God for her.

Karin has a remarkable ability to hold space with incredible attention.

She is gentle with my spirit yet direct and insightful in helping me find a safe place to work toward real, meaningful results.

Her guidance has been invaluable, and I honestly don't know where my lite would be without her.

If you are looking for a therapist who is deeply caring, intuitive, and committed to your well-being, I cannot recommend Karin highly enough."

Bubba Vann

Fort Worth, TX

"My therapy intensives with the amazing and beautiful soul Karin were nothing short of life-changing.

I came seeking support during a time of overwhelming grief, but what I gained went far beyond that.

Karin's expertise and compassion created a space where I could deeply explore not just my loss, but other parts of myself and my life that I hadn't even realized needed healing.

Every session was filled with breakthroughs, realizations, and growth. This journey has left me feeling more grounded, self-aware, and hopeful for the future.

I can't recommend these intensives enough-they were truly a gift in a challenging time.

I truly wish everyone had an opportunity to experience such intensives."

L. Ortiz


"Es diticil imaginar mi vida sin la retroalimentación constante de Karin.

Durante 12 años de acompañamiento, me ha guiado en un proceso profundo de autoconocimiento, transformación y crecimiento.

Hay un dicho en su oficina de Daniel Donald Walsh: "Mi meta en la vida es que las personas que comparten su camino conmigo se vuelvan a enamorar de sí mismas."

No sé si ya estoy completamente enamorado de mí mismo, pero sí puedo decir que, gracias an ella, he aprendido a perdonarme, a quererme y a poner límites, esta última aún me cuesta...

Con Karin, he descubierto cómo suavizar esas partes de mí que antes podían ser duras y que, sin querer, lastimaban a otros. Hoy, mis hijos, mis amigos y mi pareja se benefician de una versión más dulce, más consciente y más conectada conmigo mismo. Recuerdo cuando, hace 10 años, al hacer un feeling check, solo podía identificar tres emociones: enojo, tristeza y felicidad. Hoy, tengo un entendimiento más profundo de mis emociones y de cómo afectan mi vida y mis relaciones....como parar y pedir espacio y así evitar explotar y lastimar...

Antes de conocer a Karin, fumaba tres cajetillas de cigarro al día y tomaba Tafil para dormir. No conocía la meditación ni el yoga... Hoy, en cambio, hago ejercicio todos los días, practico yoga y meditación, y soy más gentil con mi cuerpo. Dejé de matarme y comencé a querer vivir... Karin también me ha abierto las puertas a un mundo de sabiduría a través de los autores que me recomendó: Rumi, Hafez, John O'Donohue, Tagore y Khalil Gibran. Aprendí que el amor no es solo Eros, sino que hay infinitas formas de amar y ser amado. Relaciones como la que hoy tengo con mi novia Joe serían impensables sin todo el trabajo interno que he hecho con su guía...

En los momentos más oscuros, Karin ha estado a mi lado. Me acompañó en Nueva York en 2019 cuando me sentía solo sin mis hijos, y fue mi apoyo en mi separación, ayudándome a vivir ese proceso con gentileza...siempre sugiriendo ser compasivo y dejando claro que lo correcto a la larga reduce las heridas...No siempre me da la razón, pero casi siempre ella la tiene.La considero una de las tres personas más influyentes en mi vida. Y cada vez que alguien está en crisis o necesita claridad, siempre la recomiendo.

Su apoyo trasciende las sesiones, porque como ella dice: "I'm WhatsApp away", y lo cumple. Karin no solo me ha cambiado la vida, sino que lo ha hecho para bien, en todos los sentidos... mil mil gracias Karin."

 Mario Paiz


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